This page was last updated on: May 28, 2024
Copyright 2000-2021 by Jane Kelly
Book 2 Cape Mayhem
Book 4: Missing You in Atlantic City
Book 1 Killing Time in Ocean City
Book 3 Wrong Beach Island
About Jane Kelly

Contact Jane at: 
For information on the historical events and music mentioned in Greetings in Ventnor CityMissing You in Atlantic City, Widow Lady,Swoon '64 and Pretender '56 on Pinterest.
Thank you Independent Publishers for silver medal Mid-Atlantic fiction for Missing You in Atlantic City in 2016 and for Stranger in the Avalon Dunes in 2023,
A Writing in Time Mystery
Widow Lady Number 1
Seaside Heights Bonus
A Writing in Time Mystery
Meg Daniels Mysteries
 from Plexus Publishing
Meg Daniels Bonus Mystery

Writing in Time Mysteries
Widow Lady Mysteries

Recent News

Dru's Musings Greetings from Ventnor City

Dru's Musings Jane Kelly on Meg Daniels

Cozy Capers

Writing in Time with the Indy Author
Jane Kelly
Mysteries with a humorous twist
Meg Daniels Mysteries
     Mystery at the Jersey Shore
Writing in Time Mysteries
     Solving Riddles from Philadelphia's Past
Widow Lady Mysteries
     She Was So Much More 
I have been recording miscellaneous stories from my life in a blog:

 Episodes So Far.

Just random memories.   Jane